====== Hi from Athenaeum Library ====== {{tag> library presents bushfires}} Hi Em,\\ Hope you are fine. I finally got you some presents for Chinese New Year - sorry for the delay! I'll insert a photo below and post them off to you. I hope you like them!\\ {{:blog:2009:chinese_new_year_2009_04_17.jpg|Chinese new year presents 2009}}\\ We had some terrible fires in Victoria last Saturday. A lot of people died in country areas like Marysville and Kinglake. It was really sad. The weather conditions last Saturday were really awful - 46 deg C and with hot gusty winds. The fires are not out yet but hopefully they are coming under some sort of control. There is a lot of smoke over the whole of Melbourne and the sun looks very red - it is quite scary really! I hope things are fine where you are :-).\\ I'm at the Melbourne Athenaeum library again - one of my favourite spots though I think you will have guessed that!I'm upgrading my computer using the wireless Internet here. After this I think I need to go to work for a bit - hopefully not too long - and then home. Lulu is fine now and it is nice to relax at home with her. Wishing you all the very best.\\ Lot of love,\\ Aaron xxxooo