Hi Em / Prayers of the people

Hi Emma,
Hope you are fine! I did the prayers of the people at church for the first time last Sunday. I really don't like public speaking and I was pretty nervous but I was glad that I managed to do it. Below is the prayer that I wrote. Not sure what you'll think of it - I found that it is actually quite hard to do. It makes me appreciate what the ministers have to do each Sunday more.

St Andrew's Prayers of the People (22/2/09)

Let us pray.
God, hear our prayers for those affected by the Victorian bushfires. We grieve for the loss of life , for the trauma of the survivors and for the damage to the environment. Let us act with compassion and understanding as the slow process of healing begins.
We pray for all in the world afflicted by war, poverty or environmenal disaster
- for those who face uncertainty in the current economic times
- for those suffering from physical or mental illness
- for the unemployed and the dispossessed.
Lord, do not let us be blind to the needs of others and ourselves. Let us find wisdom by listening to your still small voice in our hearts. Let us be guided the words and deeds of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we seek to live a life of love in action.
This we pray in your name.

Hope all is going well for you Miss Em and all the very best :-).
Lots of love,
Aaron xxxooo

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